Monday, May 16, 2016

Flooring On A Budget

Did I mention we were trying to keep this affordable as possible? Since the demo has been done, it was time to decide on the floors. We headed over to Lowe's to see what our options were. My vision for this camper was to be clean-lined, bright with grey accents. I wanted grey flooring that looked like wood planks.

When we arrived at Lowe's, the reality of renovating (even a tiny pop-up camper) hit home. This was actually going to cost money. I mean, I watch HGTV - all their supplies just magically appear - I never thought about having to actually buy anything.

It didn't take long to realize my options for flooring were very limited if I wanted to keep this affordable. I basically had to choose between two plank-like vinyl. One was a creamy medium brown. However, as I mentioned earlier - I wanted grey!

So we went with the only other option, which was "Driftwood". This provided a much more 'rustic' feel than I had originally envision but since it still had a grey under-tone, the concept was not entirely lost.  This just meant I would have to go away from the clean-line/modern - more towards rustic!

As long as I got my grey and white, I was happy! Chad worked long and hard and did a perfect job laying down the flooring.

I now get to reveal our first Before & After photo! Oh the excitement or renovation blogs!

...Drum Roll Please...

I wasn't as much of a keener as I usually am with taking photos, so that is why I don't have the same angles but you get the idea. To be completely honest, I didn't even have any actual before photos. The husband began demolition before I had an opportunity to take any. Fortunately, I was able to locate the original "For Sale" post with their photos - so we still have something to compare!

The pictures don't do the floors justice, they look fabulous! Chad did an AMAZING job! I can't wait to reveal Operation Re-Build and then get those bad boys painted white to see my vision come to life!

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