Friday, May 20, 2016

Bit By Bit - Piece By Piece

Things are progressing nicely on the Pop-Up Pad. My father-in-law, who is super handy with wood, has agreed to fashion us up some doors for our cabinet. My fabric has arrived, so I have to take it down to the Sewing Center tomorrow to get the curtains made!

A few more tiny purchases like a rod and some hardware and we should be done! D-O-N-E! I am waiting for a couple more pillow cases to arrive but I have everything else. (I think)

I bought this cowboy boot and I really wanted to use it but I've been having a hard time finding a place for it. Decorating space is very limited in our tiny PUP. (Pop Up Pad - Can't believe it took me this many entries to abbreviate)

The Boot
 I found it for a few bucks at a local indoor Flea Market. I had the bright idea of putting flowers in it but fresh flowers didn't jive with me because - well - they die. So I kept looking around for fake flowers - but man - they're ugly.

I finally happened across some white ones that looked acceptable. Not amazing but for a PUP, should be fine.

I really wanted orange flowers. Orange is one of the colors I chose to compliment the aqua/teal but items in that shade are few and far between. So I decided to get adventurous since my $2 fake flowers had more than I needed.  Hello Spray Paint! My last endeavor with spray paint ended terribly so I wasn't very optimistic. But.... I dig it.  I purposely didn't try to cover it fully. I thought the white peeking through was nice!

Here's a sneak peek of them in the PUP!

More Later!


  1. You are so creative... I love the way you think. Those colors could make anyone smile.
